Monday, July 20, 2009

Be Choosy and Give to Specific Plant With Purpose Projects

by Aly Lewis

We all like options and for those of you with a penchant for both selectivity and specificity, the Plant With Purpose website has plenty of choices when it comes to helping out with PWP’s programs.  Not only can you give directly to a specific village (I sponsor Los Mogotes, DR), you can also give to specific aspects of our holistic development work.  If you cruise through our Sim City-esque Grow A Village pages, you can select our cute little icons (my favorite is the “farmer in action”) to learn more about specific projects such as Latrines, Business Skills and Loan Management Training, and Animal Husbandry. 

For example, for $30 per month you can help a community establish Family Gardens. Donating a family garden is a great way to make a huge difference in the quality of life of an entire family. The typical family garden usually provides enough for a family to feed themselves and have extra left over to sell. We teach families sustainable agriculture techniques to maximize productivity of their land, as well as what crops to plant to maximize nutrition. Family gardens improve health by decreasing food-born illness and by providing another source of income. Your donation to family gardens will improve the livelihood of an entire family and every recurring donation will be matched for the first year, doubling your impact!!

Another great project is our Women’s Empowerment fund. Numerous studies have shown that investing in women's education and development goes farther and accomplishes more than an equal investment in men. Evidence from micro-credit lending, for example, indicates that women have superior repayment rates, invest more productively, and are more risk-averse than men in similar situations. PWP helps empower women by establishing community banks and investing in women’s enterprise and artisan groups.  A recurring donation of $30 (or more!) per month toward Women’s Empowerment will impact an entire community by equipping women to pull themselves out of poverty and transform their lives and the lives of their families. 

Whether you’re interested in something tangible like Cisterns or something slightly more elusive such as contributing to Restored Relationships or Keeping A Family Together, there’s something for everyone on the PWP site.  So please be choosy, we don’t mind. 

To check out all of our life-changing projects, visit our Grow A Village pages and select away!  

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