Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Delivering Seeds of Hope in Haiti

Meet Vestor Emmanuel. As a leader of Plant With Purpose's community group in Pennsik, Haiti, Vestor is helping to deliver much needed bean seeds to his community. He's already helped Plant With Purpose distribute 250 pounds of seed to members of his group, which they will plant to increase their harvests and feed their growing households.
Before the earthquake, Vestor's household was composed of 11 people. When the quake destroyed his sister's home in Port-au-Prince, he welcomed his sister and two of his children back into his home. With a now full household of 14 people, Vestor welcomes the extra seeds for this planting season provided by Plant With Purpose. And Vestor's story isn't unique. The average family size in our project area has increased by about 80%, and the number is still increasing!
With Plant With Purpose's help, Vestor will plant 50 pounds of seeds this year (compared to the 35 pounds he planted last year) to cover his family's food needs. Any extra will be sold for cash. And, at the end of the harvest, Vestor will repay Plant With Purpose 20% of the beans he was given, recognizing community contribution and increasing sustainability of the project.
We originally planned to supply 75,000 pounds of seeds to 2,500 farmers, but we have been blessed to serve more than 2,700 farmers and will be buying more seed to meet these new demands. We are excited to see people like Vestor stepping up to their help their communities as we partner with farmers to meet their families needs.
Thank you, Vestor, for delivering seeds of hope in Haiti!

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